Everything else or missed is shipping THIS WEEKEND!
2 months ago
– Sat, Jan 11, 2025 at 06:05:12 PM
Hey everyone!
Just a few updates. The spot foils AND the standees arrived and have FINALLY shipped as of this weekend! So if you had an order with either of those items, they have finally gone out. HOWEVER, if you had a spot foil cover, they will be SPLIT SHIPPED. So you'll receive 2 shipments.
Finally, if you had OA or commissions, those are finally going out. Where they were shipping from had some facility issues and got misplaced but have ALL been located.
If anything couldn't be fulfilled, I have already sent you an email and added some extra goodies to your order for the trouble.
So be on the lookout in the coming week for your orders!
I apologize for the delays with this and thank you for your patience.
99.9% done!!
3 months ago
– Sat, Dec 07, 2024 at 01:09:36 PM
Hey everyone!
All physical copies, art, and digital copies have been shipped out!
The only thing we have left to ship are the standees. They have arrived and we will be sending them out soon!
6 months ago
– Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 06:03:11 PM
Hey everyone! I wanted to give you a FANTASTIC update and let you know that we're officially off to the printer this upcoming week and that we're planning on fulfillment taking place NEXT WEEKEND! As we're quickly approaching the finish line, I want to thank everyone for backing our campaign and want to let you know that Aurelio is already hard at work on issue 2!
Lastly, if you haven't heard yet, please sign up at https://thecomicmint.com/pages/tcm-press because we have HUGE news for NYCC!
8 months ago
– Sat, Jul 13, 2024 at 03:36:28 PM
Hey backers!
Just wanted to provide a HUGE campaign update: Aurelio has finished his interior pages! Gene and Kel are coloring and lettering the remaining pages, so hopefully, sometime soon, we will be off to print!
Thank you to everyone who's supported and backed us and I hope you've been able to share the campaign with others. Reminder, the backer kit will be CLOSING SOON and make sure your cards are active and ready for payment processing.
In the meantime, I'll be getting things ready for Unholy Nightmare #2!
The home stretch!! 4 Pages Left!
9 months ago
– Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 12:16:13 PM
Hey Everyone!
I wanted to thank all of you once again for backing our campaign and joining us on this journey of telling the story of unholy nightmare!
I wanted to let all of you know that we officially have FOUR pages left to draw! After that, we will have some coloring and the letters and we should hopefully have this wrapped up by July/August!
Thank you once again!